Thanks for stopping by my site. I’m a science fiction and fantasy writer and a winner of the Writers of the Future contest.

I love stories that make me laugh, that make me feel, stories that take me to magical worlds filled with memorable characters on epic adventures, and stories that make me stop and think. And those are just the type of stories I try to write.

Take a look around to find out more about me, where to read my stories and what I’m up to. And I’d love to hear from you, so please get in touch at

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Take a peek into my imagination

I was invited onto “The Author’s Quill” podcast, hosted by Joe Montaldo, for an episode dedicated to meeting some of the winners of Writers and Illustrators of the Future Volume 41. John Goodwin (President of the publisher of Writers of the Future) co-hosted with Joe, and I was joined by Patrick MacPhee and Seth Atwater Jr. (writer winners), and Breanda Petsch (illustrator winner).

I was kind of nervous but Joe and John were really nice and chatty and made me feel at ease. It was good fun and great to meet other winners ahead of my trip to Hollywood next month as well as the chance to practice talking about my inspiration and ambitions as a writer with a friendly host.

I was the first guest on and my interview is within the first 36 minutes or so. If you have time, why not check it out below.

If you can’t access the podcast via the above video, try this link instead.

Extra! Extra! Read all about it

As well as appearing on my first podcast, I also appeared in several local news articles for the first time. The content of the article was prepared as part of the promotional / marketing campaign ahead of the publication of Volume 41 of Writers of the Future in April 2025 (USA) and June 2025 (UK), and sets out a bit about me as well as the contest itself.

The article appeared in the Swansea StandardIn Your Area, and the South Wales Chronicle. I’m not going to lie, it was a bit surreal seeing an article about me online. Thankfully, it was positive!