My short stories

I predominantly write science fiction and fantasy (including urban fantasy).

Content Warning: if you are after “hard” science fiction, you’ve come to the wrong place. My stories are more like “soft serve” science fiction, space operas and fantasy in space. They won’t help you survive if you are stranded on Mars in a damaged habitat. Nor will they explain how it is possible for a spaceship to travel faster than light (they just do) or how to calculate, well, anything.

But, stuff will likely get blown up, there may be aliens or monsters or mythological folk. And robots. Probably magic too. There may even be a dilemma that makes you question yourself. Dare I say it, you may even be moved. So, if that sounds like your cup of tea, then read on.

The Stench of Freedom

In a lightning-powered city, a father confronts the rotten truth of the man he has become as he discovers that no one is truly free in a society built on oppression.

My story is due to be published in Volume 41 of Writers of the Future in April 2025.

The Apotheosis Algorithm

A dying cyber priest reckons he has cracked the code to live forever. Now all he has to do is outsmart the God-like artificial intelligence that stands in his way of immortality.

Published in Gwyllion Magazine (Issue 8, May 2024) (purchase required).

Dutch Courage

Among the toxic clouds of Venus, two drunk friends try to settle a bet to impress a girl. What could go wrong?

Published in 365tomorrows (August 2022).

Interview with the Vampire Hunter

A vampire tries to turn the tables on her feared adversary over a bite to eat.

Published in Every Day Fiction (October 2021).

Drunk Scentless

The disgraced former AmbassOdour to a race of alien tourists discovers alcohol is not the answer to his problems.

Published in Daily Science Fiction (June 2021). You can read this story by signing up to my newsletter.