January 2025 book recommendation: Frankenstein by Mary Shelley
What better place to start than with the original science fiction novel? And forget what you’ve seen in movie and television adaptations, nothing comes close to reflecting how great this book is or even accurately portraying Dr. Frankenstein’s “monster”.
What it’s about: You all know the story, I’m sure. Dr. Victor Frankenstein creates a sentient humanoid through a lightning-charged scientific experiment. But alas, Dr. Frankenstein is horrified by the “monster” he has created and flees, allowing his creation to escape. The “monster” is treated monstrously (excuse the pun) by the humans he encounters and in revenge wreaks havoc on the life of his creator. In turn, Dr. Frankenstein swears to destroy his creation and pursues him to the ends of the Earth to do so.
Why I love it: It is a beautifully written book that is still accessible today, even though it is over 200 years old. It is incredible to think of the societal change that has happened during the book’s lifetime, yet it remains relevant. The epistolary structure (chapters in the form of letters and diary entries) places you right in the head of Dr. Frankenstein and his monster, giving you an up close look at both characters’ mindset as the story develops and the tension ratchets up. The book also explores how some people can be treated terribly based not on their character but their appearance, and how that ill-treatment and loneliness can turn into anger and resentment. As Dr. Frankenstein seeks to destroy his creature, the book also asks the reader to consider who really is the monster of the story.
Beyond the book: Both my wife and I love Frankenstein, so much so that it featured in our wedding. Our guests were sat at tables named after the title of one of our favourite books, along with a copy of said book if anyone wished to take it with them, and favours inspired by the book. So, obviously the Frankenstein table had a jar filled with chocolate eyeballs and gummy body parts!

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